Month: January 2018

Top 3 Page Builder Plugins for WordPress in 2018

Customizing the look and feel of your page used to be a real challenge in the olden days of Wordpress and you basically had to be really good with code, or had to know someone who was. Beyond that, there weren’t really any options. The introduction of shortcodes improved the situation to some extent but they were still not capable of truly changing the way a page looked. Wordpress developers soon realized this and came up with page builder plugins. These plugins allow the user to customize the look of any Wordpress page. These page builder plugins come in many varieties so the options

Top 3 Website Builders in 2018

Creating a website has never been easier. The latest crop of website builders is extremely powerful and capable of producing compelling websites. Not only are these website builders great at making beautiful websites, but they’re also very affordable. Compared to a couple of thousand dollars you are likely to spend hiring a web developer and designer, these services cost mere dollars per month. What’s more, you can make changes quickly as the requirements arise, so you don’t have to rely on tech support to do simple jobs for you. There are a lot of these website builders available.