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Editor Outputs

Live Template Editor (LTPLE) provides an HTML editor with 5 types of output:

  • Inline Style ( HTML only )
  • Style Sheet ( HTML + CSS )
  • Hosted Page ( sub-domain & private domain name  )
  • Downloadable archive
  • Screenshot ( HTML to PNG )

Inline Style

The Inline Style output is used to provide templates in the case where only HTML code is accepted such as for instance email models or other limited customizable areas of third party applications.

Style Sheet

The Style Sheet output allows the final user to format the HTML part of the template with CSS selectors and copy / paste HTML and CSS separately. This solution is often used  in the case where the template must be included together with another template or in more advanced customizable areas of third party applications.

Hosted Page

The Hosted Page output allow the final user to host the template in a sub-domain of the distribution platform or a private domaine name pointing to all the files and resources necessary to fully render the template (html, javascript, style sheet, images, readme…). This output is used to provide landing pages, full websites and any other multi-part templates.


The Downloadable output allow the final user to download an archive containing all the files and resources necessary to fully render the template (html, javascript, style sheet, images, readme…). This output is used to export landing pages, full websites and any other multi-part templates to third party hosting companies.


The Screenshot output produces a PNG screenshot of the preview area. This output is used in the case where an image content can be built only using HTML and CSS components such as for instance image based marketing campaigns or memes.

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